The WEA has committed to achieving net-zero emissions and has acknowledged its role in assisting the UK in reaching net-zero by 2050.

The WEA has pledged to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, with its science-based targets encompassing Scope 1, 2, and 3 serving as the foundation for future commitments to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to drive emissions reductions.

Learn more in our Carbon Reduction Plan below.

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WEA Carbon Reduction Plan

This document details how the WEA plans to reduce its carbon emissions

The WEA is Matrix accredited.

Matrix is the international quality standard for organisations that deliver information, advice and/or guidance (IAG). It is the Department for Education’s (DfE) standard for ensuring the quality of the delivery of high-quality information, advice and guidance.

It helps providers to improve their services by benchmarking against best practice, and it offers accreditation to those that meet the full standard.

Organisations that have benefited from working with the Standard include Training Providers, Universities and Further/Higher Education Colleges.

This means that we have been assessed for the quality of our information and advice, and you can expect to receive a good and impartial service from us. Information or advice can be provided to help you enrol on a WEA course, how to progress your learning to signposting for guidance to discuss your career goals.

We are always looking at ways in which we can improve how we work and welcome feedback on all aspects of the WEA. Contact our team with any comments on queries.

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WEA Matrix accreditation

A copy of the WEA matrix accreditation from February 2022

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. A government organisation, they inspect services providing education and skills for learners of all ages, including the WEA. They ensure that educational providers are raising the standards of education.

Following the full Ofsted inspection in May 2024, Ofsted judged the WEA as a good provider of adult education.

You can access the latest Ofsted report via the download button below, and view archive reports on the Ofsted website here.

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WEA Ofsted report 2024

A copy of the latest Ofsted inspection for the WEA

There's nothing more powerful than word of mouth

From the moment you experience what it's like to learn with the WEA, hear about it through word-of-mouth, or read about the beneficial effects that our courses have had on individuals and communities as a whole, you just want to get involved and tell more people!

We want to bring our learning in reach of all those who need it - but to do that, we need more people to know about the WEA. We need to convince policy and funding decision-makers of our impact so that they can give us access to reach even more people.  

To do that, we’d love you to help us get our message out.

Who can you help us reach?

Those in need of life skills

Know someone who needs to develop everyday life skills, such as budgeting, confidence building or keeping healthy? Or perhaps you know someone looking to improve their writing and reading skills? Point them to our Skills for life section on this website where they can find the online or local course that's right for them. If they're looking for extra information, or need individual help and support, they can always:

  • Call our friendly learner support team on 0300 303 3464
  • Use our live chat (at the bottom right of every page between 9am and 5pm)
  • Email us via our enquiry form here

Those who need skills for work

We’ve got courses for everyone – from those who need to take their first steps into work to those that want to progress at work - either getting a better-paid job or branching out into a new career. Our Skills for work section on this website would be perfect for them. We also provide a number of free downloadable guides that may be useful, including one on writing your CV and one to prepare for an interview. You can find them on our downloads section of the website.

Those who want to find or develop a new hobby

Right from the WEA's outset (over a hundred years ago!), we have worked to provide a broad range of creative courses to suit everyone; from Arts & Crafts, Languages & Culture, to Humanities & Science.

Many of these courses are delivered through our local learning networks, branches and associations. If building connections, making new friends and growing your community could appeal, show them our learning networks page. It includes a handy map, so people can find a network near to them.

Education policy and funding decision-makers

There’s no doubt that the public purse is tight. If you can help us make the case for decisions that enable more learners to benefit from WEA learning, we’d love you to help.

How? You can do so by sharing our Impact report which evidences the importance of our work through statistics and learner stories. If you are in a position to meet with them, then why not use our elevator pitch or our Advocacy pack for a presentation (both are available from here).

Please do connect them with our Public Affairs Manager, Chris Butcher at [email protected], to further any conversations and connect them with members of the Leadership team. 

Community organisations who can help us reach local people

The WEA already partners with over 1000 community organisations to reach those who need our learning most.

But we are always keen to work with more. There’s information available on the work we do to support different communities - the unemployed, refugees, those in rehabilitation,  those with physical and mental health conditions (wellbeing, independent living, disabled) - as well as information for social prescribers.

Find out more at our partnerships page.

Employers who need to recruit or develop employees

We take a flexible approach to develop courses that prepare people for work and that meet employers' specific recruitment needs. 

We also offer courses to support existing staff in skills development and wellbeing. Why not point your contact to our Developing employees page or encourage them to connect with Nick Howard, our Partnerships Manager at [email protected] or on 07825 111536?

Become a WEA ambassador

Our WEA ambassador role is aimed at anyone who can talk informally, passionately and realistically about the challenges and rewards of studying as an adult.

The role involves contributing to the communication of WEA priorities, fundraising and supporting learner and membership recruitment.

A full description of the ambassador role and responsibilities can be found here.

If you know of anyone that you think would want to fulfil this type of volunteer role, or you too would like to be an ambassador, then please complete the nomination form and send to the volunteering mailbox at [email protected].

Here at the WEA, we do things differently from other learning providers. We're a community at our core, which really shines through when you learn with us.  

Whether it's in one of our local centres or online, you're guaranteed both a supportive and friendly atmosphere. We believe in keeping group sizes down too, making it easier for our learners to speak up, get to know their group and get actively involved in learning.  

Expert tutors

This allows our experienced tutors to tailor their approach to the exact needs and interests of their learners. Between the expert tutor and a friendly, integrated tutor group, our learners develop a fantastic learning network and informal support safety net that on many occasions are with them for life. 

We’re passionate about reaching learners who need and want education most, which is why you’ll always feel like part of a family when you learn with us. We’re here to help you grow, overcome challenges, or follow your passions.  

Achieve your dreams

Big or small, we’ve been helping people achieve their dreams for over 100 years. The question is, what are you waiting for?

The WEA tutors were so welcoming and I started to find my confidence again. They really got me as a person.

Sara Rose

Ways to support the WEA through fundraising

As a charity, we need fundraisers (people just like you!) to support and keep the doors of education open to people across England and Scotland.

Need some fundraising inspiration? We've got you covered below.

Organise a sponsored event

Could you, your family and friends do a read-a-thon, take part in a relay or hula-hoop for an hour each? Whatever your idea, we can help you flesh it out, support you in setting up a sponsorship page and help you share it with the world.

Get out your trainers (or make your sporty friends grab theirs!)

People who have entered into the London Marathon ballot will be hearing if they have a place soon. If you or any friends are successful, do let them know that they could run for the WEA  and that we would love to support them! But it doesn’t have to be as far as that - with apps like Couch To 5k and parkruns across the country, beginners could pledge to run 5K or 10K by the end of the year. That way, not only will you get outside and improve your health, but you'll also help learners across the UK. 

Get selling – are you a baker, or particularly crafty?

Whatever your skill, you could use it to do some good. Why not ask your workplace or your children or grandchildren’s schools to do a sale? It’s a fun way to raise money and will also let other people know about the WEA’s work.

Have a clear-out to raise money 

Perfect if you're planning a spring-clean. You and your family could sell the items at a car boot sale, or online, and donate any money you raise to your favourite non-profit educators, aka us.

Be brave! 

Is there something that has been sitting on your bucket list that you haven’t got to yet? Take the plunge on a cold water swim or take the leap with a skydive; reach your personal goals and raise money at the same time.

Fundraising event WEA
Fundraising bake sale ideas WEA