Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?​​

Our mission is to bring education within reach of all who need it, fighting inequality and promoting social justice.

With a third of students leaving school with no or low qualifications and few life chances, there are some stark statistics that evidence the need for education, like ours that raises aspirations, builds confidence and then skills.

The state of the nation:

  • 9 million adults have low literacy or numeracy (Learning for Work Institute, 2022)

  • 25% of the UK population are likely to struggle with online services (UK Consumer Digital Index 2023)

  • 57% of 16-64 year olds without qualifications are unemployed (Gov.uk 2023)

  • 13 million were living in poverty in the UK in 2020/21 (Joseph Rowntree Foundation 2023)

  • 3.8 million ensure chronic loneliness (ONS 2023)

  • 26% of adults don't speak to their neighbours or members of the community on a regular or monthly basis (UK Gov, 2021)​​

Through annual surveys of our learners, we can prove our impact:

  • 51% report an increase in self-confidence

  • 83% report improved well-being

  • 42% of skills learners have got a job or progressed into further learning

  • 91% have visited the GP less than the national average

  • 39% made new friends

  • 70% mixed with people they wouldn't normally mix with ​​

A man outside raising his hand
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WEA Impact report

Learn more from our annual Impact report

Prevention is better than a cure.

It's simple, adult education is good for you! Sometimes its best to hear from experts outside of the education sector, to know it's not just us that believe adult education plays a critical role. In these views you will hear about its role in building health and wellbeing, preventing loneliness and the breakdown of communities, and staving off dementia and ill-health.

Find out more about the life-changing impact of WEA learning. Read our inspiring learner stories by clicking on the photos below. (Links will open in a new tab).

Each story speaks volumes about the value of courses which take learners who have failed repeatedly at school towards confidence, work and happiness, or support them to sustain rich and connected lives through later life. 

Are you an adult learner? Would you like to share your story with us? A link to the form is at the bottom of this page.​
















Terri raises her hand



Don't forget to let us know all about your learning experiences.

Rebuilding lives through adult education

As an adult education charity, we are keen to work with organisations that support recovery and help people rebuild their lives.

Our courses help recovering addicts manage stress and mental health issues, improve employability and re-enter their local community.  

The WEA offer a wide range of courses, from dedicated recovery programmes to courses to rebuild confidence.

We go to places other providers cannot. We deliver our courses on the doorstep of local communities or online. Our tutors are dedicated to providing personalised teaching, in a supportive and non-judgmental way. Learners build their self-esteem, find new interests and even support others in their recovery journey.  

Whether you are looking to refer people to our courses, or want to co-design a bespoke programme, we want to hear from you.  

Our team also offer training courses that are beneficial for staff and volunteers. This includes mental health awareness, counselling skills and volunteering courses.  

If you wish to discuss your needs further, complete the webform below and one of our partnerships team will be back in touch.

Building confidence and improving wellbeing

We work in partnership with a variety of organisations that support people with disabilities.

Through learning with us, our learners build confidence, reduce isolation and improve their physical and mental wellbeing.

We deliver engaging and accessible adult education courses. From art and cookery, from fitness to employability.  

We’re looking for delivery partners to help us reach the people who need us the most. Whether it’s referring people to us or co-designing a programme that meets the needs of people with disabilities.

If you wish to discuss your needs further, complete the webform below and one of our partnerships team will be back in touch.

The impact of social prescribing

Around 10% of our learners have a physical health condition or illness. We know adult education is a great option when looking at social prescribing routes. Our courses support people to make positive life choices. Social prescribing is part of our offer because it helps improve health and wellbeing.

Our research demonstrates that following a WEA course:  

  • 92% of our learners made fewer visits to their GP compared to the national average
  • 84% reported improvements in their overall wellbeing
  • 51% of learners reported an increase in self-confidence

Our social prescribing package consists of a choice of offers designed to protect and enhance wellbeing. They range from mental health and physical wellbeing to digital skills and safety. We deliver courses across England, both online and in the classroom.

Learn more about social prescribing and the WEA offer at our social prescribing page.

Additional support

Learners with identified additional learning needs should request support on their enrolment form and/or speak to their tutor about the support they may need whilst studying.

For more information, please visit our help and support section or contact our friendly learner services team through our contact us page.

A learner with her carer enjoying her garden

Building essential skills to live independently

We work with people with learning difficulties and disabilities, care leavers and other adults to help them build the skills and confidence to live independently.

Around 5% of our learners have a learning difficulty or disability. We have a proven track record of delivering adult education courses that are supportive and engaging to learners of all abilities. 

If you wish to discuss your needs further, complete the webform below and one of our partnerships team will be back in touch.

A male learner with LDD high fives his tutor

Skills and confidence for independence 

Our courses build life skills and help adults grow in confidence. We offer:

  • numeracy skills courses to help people manage money and go shopping independently,
  • cookery classes to help people make healthy meals on a budget,
  • courses on managing emotions and physical fitness can help to promote wellbeing,
  • digital courses to help build IT skills and use the internet safely.

What makes WEA different?

We teach the skills people need in ways that other providers can't.

Our tutors are passionate about inclusion and designed learning around individual needs.

Everyone has a place at the WEA. Support workers and families of our learners report improved communication, better moods and behaviours after our courses.

Making a difference together

As an adult education charity, we are really keen to work with partners across the country to develop opportunities and progression routes for all adults facing disadvantage in your communities.

We can offer a wide range of other courses for service-users, including arts and crafts, tenant’s rights and responsibilities, cookery, storytelling and confidence building.     

Additional support 

Learners with identified additional learning needs should request support on their enrolment form and/or speak to their tutor about the support they may need whilst studying.

For more information, please visit our help and support section or contact our friendly learner services team through our contact us page.

Helping the most vulnerable

At the WEA we have a special mission to help those who need it most in the country.

We work closely with voluntary and community organisations that help refugees to give people the best start in this country.

We offer free courses for refugees and displaced people, both online and in the classroom.   

From offering ESOL courses for refugees to family learning that improves well-being. Talk to us about what classes we can offer to meet the needs of the people you are supporting.    

Our adult education classes can help improve mental health, build a new life in the UK and improve English skills.

We offer courses to help people develop the language skills and qualifications to work in the UK.

If you wish to discuss your needs further, complete the webform below and one of our partnerships team will be back in touch.

Some of the courses that we’ve delivered for refugee organisations include:   

  • ESOL courses to build language skills   
  • Life in the UK   
  • Arts, craft and music classes for wellbeing   
  • Family fitness and cookery classes   
  • Supporting children’s education in the UK   
  • Mental health and stress awareness   
  • Working in the UK and employability courses   
  • Level 1 Award in Workers' Rights and Labour Exploitation  

Whether you’re looking for courses that offer practical support, or courses that provide social opportunities, we want to work in partnership with you. 

The above courses are just examples: we can tailor our curriculum to suit your needs and those of your learners.

Together, we can make a real difference.    

Support to help with learning

We also offer Discretionary Learner Support funds to help with course fees, travel, childcare, course materials etc

For more information, please visit our help and support section or contact our friendly learner services team through our contact us page.

Women learner ESOL. One is wearing a hijab, the other is wearing glasses.

There is no doubt that inequality exists in the UK

As do illnesses, loneliness and the gradual fraying of communities. We believe that adult education forms part of the cure. We work with such conviction because each day we hear how important our courses are from our learners. Their stories are inspiring: you can read them here. 

But sometimes individual learner stories are not enough. 

The priorities of our funders are changing. The UK Government is committed to lifelong learning and investing in education, but its focus is significantly on higher-level skills for jobs, or future generations.

We also know we need to seek and secure funding for the important courses we deliver that fall outside those priorities.  

The critical role of more basic skills training, or the role other subjects play in building confidence, supporting mental health and enticing adults back into education, is not well understood. 

In our Impact report we share with you: 

  • Why we do what we do 

  • How we do it

  • Demonstrate the impact we have 

We invite you to meet our learners and their employers to understand the ripple effect that WEA learning has on them, their work and their communities where they live. 

It’s the small class, highly tailored way we teach that makes the difference. It equips them for life and work. And, it connects them with their communities, so everyone benefits. 

WEA Impact Report
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Impact Report 2024

Read the significance that learning with the WEA has on our learners and the importance of our work.

See the difference for yourself

Browse and book a course and see first-hand the impact that learning with us has on your personal life and the ripple effect it has on the community around you.

Join us in our ambition to make this life-changing learning available to those that need it

We are committed to removing any barriers, so that individuals can improve their own life chances and have a positive impact on their communities and society as a whole.  

We engage with those who make education policy and funding decisions across England and Scotland, so they understand the importance of education to our learners – be that getting into work, progressing into good work, or keeping their minds active and their connection with their communities live. 

If you want to help, read our manifesto, and engage with those who make, or can influence, education policy and funding decisions. Our Advocacy resources may be useful to you.