The inspection team praised WEA Learners for their positive attitude towards their studies and noted that learners clearly benefited significantly from increased social interaction and developed their knowledge and skills beyond the curriculum offered. 

A team of eight inspectors carried out a rigorous five-day full enhanced inspection of all areas of the WEA, which also showed that the WEA makes a reasonable contribution to the skills agenda after talking to a range of external stakeholders and employers.

Simon Parkinson, CEO and General Secretary of the WEA said: ”Everyone at the WEA knows our adult learners are outstanding and I am delighted that Ofsted have validated this. We are a good provider who brings out the best in our learners.

“This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our learners and all our colleagues who support them.

“Ofsted acknowledged the “life-changing” impact of the adult learning that the WEA provides after many of our learners described it first-hand.

"We will be highlighting the outstanding personal development that adult learners make by accessing the full range of community (tailored) learning programmes to both the Department for Education nationally and every devolved authority in England and asking the simple question of “why restrict funding only to learning for work, when outstanding personal development can be made in courses which support adults to learn for life and build communities?”

We look forward to building on this strong validation of our work to improve our learners’ experience and continue to fulfil our charitable mission of bringing adult learning within reach for everyone.”

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