Course overview

The course will build on the learners’ existing basic map reading skills to introduce the use of a compass, interpretation of relief (ups and downs) and the estimating of distance. We will undertake exercises which consolidate basic skills as well as introducing orientation of a map with a compass, taking bearings . The overall focus of the course will be using maps to facilitate safe and enjoyable access to the countryside. All of the learning will then be applied to discuss ways in which good planning can contribute to the sense of well-being that a varied and stimulating walk can provide.

Course description

The course will start with exercises which practise and consolidate basic navigation skills for way-finding in lowland Britain using Ordnance Survey maps. We will introduce the ways that a compass can assist in accurate orientation of maps and only them will we proceed to the taking of bearing and the use of bearings to way find in poor visibility or on landscape with few features. Throughout, consideration will be given to the challenges of operating in inclement weather and poor light.

Contours will be discussed in the comfort of the online classroom and then practical exercises will be set for learners to undertake between classes.

Safety and responsible use of the environment are embedded throughout the course. We will explore the elements of good planning to ensure safe, manageable varied and healthy countryside experiences.

Throughout the course we will address issue of countryside access, appreciation of nature and landscape history in addition to the mental and physical benefits of outdoor activity.

Following the course, we recommend that you consolidate your learning through continuing to practise the skills covered.

Staying safe and gaining maximum well-being benefit from your country walks.

What financial support is available?

We don't want anything to stand in your way when it comes to bringing Adult learning within reach so if you need anything to support you to achieve your goals then speak to one of our education experts during your enrolment journey. Most of our courses are government funded but if you don't qualify or need alternative financial help to access them then let us know.

What other support is available?

All of our digital content, teaching and learning activities and assessments are designed to be accessible so if you need any additional support you can discuss this with the education experts during your enrolment journey and we will do all we can to make sure you have optimal access.

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