Course overview

Writing prose is a powerful tool for enhancing one's well-being. Regularly writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences can help you process emotions, gain insights, and reduce stress. On this taster course you will be reading about life writing and fiction in short and abstract form with happy conclusions to support a positive outlook on life. You will also write your own memoir and fiction pieces to help you process negative beliefs and thought patterns that hold you back and deal with emotions more effectively. By the end of this taster course, you will gain some knowledge of prose and how it can be used to improve your overall well–being.

Course description

Prose is a form of written language that does not follow a meter or rhyme scheme. It adheres to standard grammatical rules and communicates ideas in a linear, logical order. This type tells a story and includes novels, short stories, and flash fiction. It features elements like mood, point of view, character, setting, and plot. On this taster course, we will be reading about life writing, a term used to define a variety of genres focused on recording personal memories, experiences, opinions, and emotions, in other words the concept of self. We will also read about fiction and literature. This type tells a story and includes novels, short stories, and flash fiction. It features elements like mood, point of view, character, setting, and created from imagination, including stories, plays and poems made up by the author. We will look at the short and extract forms with happy conclusions to help us develop positive attitudes to life. You will have the opportunity to write a memoir and fiction piece of your own to help you process negative beliefs and thought patterns that hold you back. This will help you in dealing with emotions more effectively, express and process difficulties and improve your mood and attitude. We will share these in the group feedback in the safe space of the online class, in which writers are supportive of each other. All you need is an internet connection, a pen and enthusiasm!

What financial support is available?

We don't want anything to stand in your way when it comes to bringing Adult learning within reach so if you need anything to support you to achieve your goals then speak to one of our education experts during your enrolment journey. Most of our courses are government funded but if you don't qualify or need alternative financial help to access them then let us know.

What other support is available?

All of our digital content, teaching and learning activities and assessments are designed to be accessible so if you need any additional support you can discuss this with the education experts during your enrolment journey and we will do all we can to make sure you have optimal access.

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