Course overview

This course is intended to improve their general numeracy skills and understanding of language to talk about basic maths functions. This course will improve learners’ employment opportunities by improving their basic numeracy skills they need to enter the workplace. The course is part of the Multiply initiative.

Course description

After this course you will be able to:

Identify ways that numbers are used in daily life and use English vocabulary to describe basic mathematical functions

Correctly say and spell numbers up to 50

Make simple calculations about time, money and measurement and convert simple fractions to percentages

Add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers up to 50 confidently

Complete sentences about key data presented in bar charts and pie graphs.

This course is for learners who are existing WEA learners on Pre-entry courses, as well as new learners at a similar level. This course is intended to improve their general numeracy skills and understanding of language to talk about basic maths. This course will improve learners’ employment opportunities by improving their basic numeracy skills they need to enter the workplace. The course is part of the multiply initiative.

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