Course overview

This course is intended for those whose first language is not English. It is basic (entry level E1) course to support learners to improve listening and speaking skills and gain confidence to be more social and independent in their daily lives. The sessions will be delivered face- to-face in class room settings allowing learners to participate actively in their learning. The lesson must be differentiated and inclusive to meet the learners personal and individual needs and preferences. In additions to develop confidence in speaking and listening skills, the course will focus specifically on pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary and spellings, conversational skills as well as grammatical accuracy through interactive learning strategies such as role plays, conversation, discussion, tutor-led activities, and freer practice or productive tasks. The course will also help learners to improve their employability skills or open up options for further study by developing study skills. Moreover, the course will also contribute to the learners overall health and well being. By the end of the course the learners will be able to achieve the following outcomes; 1. Give basic personal information 2. ask for personal information 3. Ask for help 4. Express likes, dislikes and feelings 5. follow instructions

Course description

This course is intended for those whose first language is not English. It is basic (entry level E1) course to support learners to improve listening and speaking skills and gain confidence to be more social and independent in their daily lives. The sessions will be delivered face- to-face in class room settings allowing learners to participate actively in their learning. The lesson must be differentiated and inclusive to meet the learners personal and individual needs and preferences. In additions to develop confidence in speaking and listening skills, the course will focus specifically on pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary and spellings, conversational skills as well as grammatical accuracy through interactive learning strategies such as role plays, conversation, discussion, tutor-led activities, and freer practice or productive tasks. The course will also help learners to improve their employability skills or open up options for further study by developing study skills. Moreover, the course will also contribute to the learners overall health and well being.

By the end of the course the learners will be able to achieve the following outcomes;

1. Give basic personal information

2. ask for personal information

3. Ask for help

4. Express likes, dislikes and feelings

5. follow instructions

We don't want anything to stand in your way when it comes to bringing Adult learning within reach so if you need anything to support you to achieve your goals then speak to one of our education experts during your enrolment journey. Most of our courses are government funded but if you don't qualify or need.
All of our digital content, teaching and learning activities and assessments are designed to be accessible so if you need any additional support you can discuss this with the education experts during your enrolment journey and we will do all we can to make sure you have optimal access.

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