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Art Appreciation: Art and About: Soho and its Heritage

Part of the WEA Art and About Festival 2024! As part of the WEA London Festival Art and About : A heritage walk through the heart of Soho meeting at Criterion Théâtre near Piccadilly Circus on Thursday July 18th meet at 11am ending near Tottenham Court Road Tube station Come and explore the Soho area famously known for its culture , yet their other interesting features institutions that exist in the area such as Churches , Old Hospitals and much more. We will explore how the area developed and why these are still important buildings today

Course Information

Thu 18/07/2024 -
Thu 18/07/2024
11:00am - 12:30pm
1 sessions
Meeting Point: Criterion Theatre
218-223 Piccadilly
St. James's
Selina Rice
Course code:
How you'll learn:
In venue
Waiting list
Fee range
Free to £7.50

Personal Development: Confidence to learn English for life in the UK Advanced

This course will support you to further develop your confidence to talk to others, or complete forms, speak with your child's schools, organisations, hospital staff, doctors or discuss other issues and where and how to gain support. This course aims to increase your confidence in using English in everyday situations for work and home building confidence and motivation. Develop English skills to support your child’s schoolwork, plan activities during half term and develop networking skills to find out how and where to access family days and activities. Develop your digital skills by using the WEA’ s online learning platform canvas and participant in online discussions and activities. This course is funded by the West Midlands Combined Authority.

Course Information

Mon 24/03/2025 -
Mon 21/04/2025
10:30am - 12:30pm
5 sessions
New Hope Global (Birmingham)
Birchfield Library (2nd floor)
3 Trinity Road
B6 6AH
Saima Gulzar
Course code:
How you'll learn:
In venue
10+ places remaining
Fee range
Free to £42.00

Professional Development: Health and Safety at Work

Welcome to the comprehensive Health and Safety at Work course! This 6-week program is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote a safe and healthy working environment. Whether you are an employee, manager, or business owner, this course will provide you with essential insights and practical tools to ensure workplace safety. Throughout the program, you will delve into various topics related to health and safety, including risk assessment, hazard identification, emergency preparedness, and legal obligations. By exploring these areas, you will develop a solid understanding of the key principles and best practices that underpin a safe work environment. Join us on this journey of empowerment, where learning becomes an adventure, and each skill acquired is a step towards creating a safer, more resilient family unit. Enroll now and be part of a community that values your well-being and believes in the power of self-care for a brighter, more confident future.

Course Information

Tue 06/05/2025 -
Tue 22/07/2025
10:30am - 12:00pm
24 sessions
Tricuro -Parkstone Connect Day Centre (P
Croft Road
BH12 3LD
Guest Speaker
Course code:
How you'll learn:
In venue
10+ places remaining
Fee range
Free to £63.00

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  • Join our popular, award-winning weekly lecture series,
  • Access an archive of over 100 past lectures,
  • Get priority online and phone booking for autumn courses (England only),
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  • Attend our members’ annual conference.

Just add us to your basket to sign up today!

Membership Information

12 months