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Art Appreciation: Satire to Propaganda

Ranging from the satirical, even salacious, scenes of William Hogarth, through the often shocking socio-political criticism of Georg Grosz's work during the Weimar Republic, to the state-controlled art of Soviet Socialist Realism, this course explores the power of art to criticize and/or celebrate the social and political developments of their times. No previous experience is necessary  - just a lively, open-minded interest in art! On this seven week course, topics to be covered will include the work of William Hogarth, Gustave Courbet, Jean-Francois Millet, Georg Grosz and Otto Dix; and also the works of the American Ashcan School (c1890-1914) and Soviet Socialist Realism (1930-); and the social, cultural and political context in which these works were produced.

Course Information

Wed 25/09/2024 -
Wed 13/11/2024
1:30pm - 3:30pm
7 sessions
Rutland Adult Learning & Skills (Oakham)
Unit 16A
Oakham Enterprise Park, Ashwel
LE15 7TU
Janis Baker
Course code:
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In venue
10+ places remaining
Fee range
Free to £58.80

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