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Professional Development: The Secrets of Investigative Journalism

If you wonder how people uncover information in the public interest that would usually remain in the dark, this course on investigative journalism is for you. This introductory course highlights the skills needed by investigative journalists when they conduct public interest investigations. Participants explore ways of reporting and editing stories, especially those which usually go unreported. The course will cover definitions of investigative journalism; how to find and plan an investigative story and which sources might be available. It gives a brief introduction to some of the legal and regulatory aspects of journalism.
Wed 30/04/2025 -
Wed 11/06/2025
6:30pm - 8:00pm
6 sessions
Rebecca Eliahoo Charles
Course code:
How you'll learn:
10+ places remaining
Fee range
Free to £33.30

WEA Membership

WEA membership is changing: more information is coming soon!

12 months