A career choice for compassionate people

If you’re a caring and compassionate person, health and social care jobs can be very rewarding. From mental health awareness training to care assistant courses, counselling skills to our unique Step into Care programme. We offer a wide range of courses to help you get into and succeed in a heath or social care role.  

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Care work

Adult social care work covers a wide range of jobs. Care assistants and support workers support vulnerable adults in their day-to-day life. They often work in care homes, day centres or in a patient's own home. Personal assistants provide one on one support to someone who wants to manage their own support, often building a strong personal relationship with the person they care for. There are other roles in care homes, such as cleaning staff, working in the laundry or kitchens.  All of these roles are essential for helping people to live dignified and comfortable lives. 

Counselling skills

Doing a counselling skills qualification isn't just about training to become a counsellor. Build counselling skills to help in work or volunteer roles in healthcare, education, HR or charities. Open up new work opportunities and find a job where you can make a real difference to people’s lives.  Counselling skills can help improve your communications skills, particularly listening skills, for any job role where you work with other people.

Short courses or long qualifications

From short courses to give you an insight into working in the NHS or in a care job. To longer qualifications such as a Certificate to Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care or a Diploma in Counselling Skills. 

Get the skills, confidence and qualifications you need for different roles in health and social care. 

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Safeguarding Adults

Vulnerable people are at higher risk of neglect and abuse. Training in safeguarding teaches you how to spot signs that someone may be at harm. It also helps you know what steps to take in case of reported or suspected abuse. This short safeguarding course gives you a view into safeguarding practices and the importance of protecting adults’ rights to live in safety.
Mon 16/06/2025 -
Mon 07/07/2025
10:00am - 12:00pm
4 sessions
Paula Hellal
Course code:
How you'll learn:
10+ places remaining
Fee range
Free to £29.60

Award in Mental Health Awareness Level 1

If you’re interested in learning more about mental health issues, this level 1 course can teach you the foundational concepts. You’ll get a view into the nature of mental health work and the issues that face people struggling with it. Level 1 health and social care courses about mental health can teach you the basic principles of mental health care. If you enjoy this course you can continue your learning in this area. Mental health awareness training can help you understand if this area of work interests you.
Mon 23/06/2025 -
Wed 25/06/2025
10:00am - 3:00pm
3 sessions
Veronica Hyde
Course code:
How you'll learn:
10+ places remaining
Fee range
Free to £75.00

Award in Stress Awareness Level 1

Stress affects most people in the country at some point in life. Understanding the harmful effects of stress is essential to maintaining good mental health and well-being. This stress awareness course can help you recognise and deal with stress when it happens. This mental health awareness training helps you understand what you and others may be experiencing. It is also useful if you work in a support role such as mentor, counsellor, or carer. It will teach you important skills for care jobs if you want to work in adult social care.
Mon 30/06/2025 -
Wed 02/07/2025
10:00am - 3:00pm
3 sessions
Veronica Hyde
Course code:
How you'll learn:
10+ places remaining
Fee range
Free to £75.00

WEA Membership

WEA membership is changing: more information is coming soon!

12 months

The courses below have already started, but are still available to book.


This course focuses on an understanding of counselling and developing practical skills. The importance of counselling for the wellbeing of individuals and society is being increasingly recognised. You will be introduced to the nature of counselling and learn and practice active listening skills such as reflecting, paraphrasing, summarising, and giving feedback. The course is aimed at anyone who may be considering either a career in counselling, or wanting to develop valuable helping and listening skills, as well as anyone interested in developing self-awareness.
Thu 01/08/2024 -
Thu 31/07/2025
Course code:
How you'll learn:
10+ places remaining
In progress