Courses for wellbeing, physical and mental health 

We all could do with living a bit healthier.  Whether it is finding ways to become more active, to improving your mental health.  Our wellbeing courses can help you become happier and healthier. Mindfulness courses can help you manage your day-to-day wellbeing and meditation can help you find your inner calm.  Improve your mental and physical fitness through gentle exercise.

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Healthy body, healthy mind

Our courses can help you find ways to manage anxiety or be kinder to yourself. Learn how to deal with stress and difficult emotions, discover new techniques to find calmness. From trying out a yoga class to dealing with stress and anxiety, find a course for you. Our tutors are friendly and supportive, you’ll find fun new ways to improve your health. 

At a time when the world can feel a bit overwhelming, our courses can help you manage your worries and find a happier you.

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Mens club - mens shed

Men’s Sheds (or Sheds) are similar to garden sheds – a place to pursue practical interests at leisure, to practice skills and enjoy making and mending. The difference is that garden sheds and their activities are often solitary in nature while Men’s Sheds are the opposite. They’re about social connections and friendship building, sharing skills and knowledge, and of course a lot of laughter.
Mon 07/07/2025 -
Mon 28/07/2025
Oakley Resource Centre Hub
Clyde Crescent
GL52 5QL
Course code:
How you'll learn:
In venue
10+ places remaining
Fee range
Free to £33.60

Care2: Art and Narrative Practices For Mental Health and Wellbeing

This course is for carers, former carers and the cared for. Th introduction to narrative theory provides you with a safe space to delve deep and express yourself creatively. Your art from this workshop will help you to consider your skills, strengths and sense of purpose, which can guide you through difficult times.
Fri 18/07/2025 -
Fri 18/07/2025
11:30am - 12:30pm
1 sessions
Bex Harper
Course code:
How you'll learn:
10+ places remaining

WEA Membership

WEA membership is changing: more information is coming soon!

12 months