Course overview

People often say that their dog or cat knows something or has learnt something or is aware of people’s emotions or intentions. So people attribute some kind of conscious thought to other species. Scientists also increasingly attribute consciousness to non-human animals – octopuses for example. Are we justified in this or are these unjustified projections of human qualities onto other species ? and what do we mean by consciousness ? This course introduces students to different meanings of 'consciousness', with the help of influential philosophical theories and evidence form science, and to enable them to evaluate to what extent (non-human) animals are conscious.

Course description

What do we mean by consciousness ? having concepts ? being aware of time and space ? anticipating and planning for the future ? making judgements about the right course of action ? self-awareness ? Philosophers have been trying to understand consciousness for a very long time. It has often been assumed or argued in Philosophy that only humans are conscious or self-aware – an approach which has recently been increasingly questioned. Some philosophers argue that it is very likely that other species are also capable of conscious thought because humans evolved from other species, so there is bound to be continuity. Others argue that there is something unique about human self-awareness which other species are not capable of. Course content : people's (and philosophers') intuitions about animal consciousness; definitions of consciousness and criteria for what should count as conscious; the philosophical problem of other minds; the internal perspective - or what it's like to be a bat; a history of philosophical thinking about human and animal consciousness.

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