Course overview

How did ancient Greek culture emerge from the end of the Bronze Age? The course aims (over two terms) to give a detailed and wide-ranging account of ancient Greek society and civilisation is it emerged in the so-called "Archaic Period", and is primarily intended for those who would like to pursue an interest in the nature of ancient history. You will learn about the historical development of ancient Greece from the 8th century BC down until 7th century BC in all its various aspects, both cultural, artistic, social and military, focusing in particular on the evidence for the earliest city-states and reasons for their predominance.

Course description

This course will look at the development of Archaic Greece from c.800 BC in all its major aspects. We will examine the expansion of the Greek world and the creation of its earliest writing and literature, along with the major period of Greek colonisation and its effects in the Mediterranean as a whole. We will go on to look at the development of a “hoplite revolution” across the Greek world and its social consequences, as well as the political development of the city states of Athens and Sparta, and fundamental importance of the early Greek poets, statesmen and philosophers for future Western society. You will be introduced to all the major diplomatic, artistic, cultural and military aspects of the period. The course also aims to include a scheduled excursion to a museum or site of historic interest, as part of the course.

What financial support is available?

We don't want anything to stand in your way when it comes to bringing Adult learning within reach so if you need anything to support you to achieve your goals then speak to one of our education experts during your enrolment journey. Most of our courses are government funded but if you don't qualify or need alternative financial help to access them then let us know.

What other support is available?

All of our digital content, teaching and learning activities and assessments are designed to be accessible so if you need any additional support you can discuss this with the education experts during your enrolment journey and we will do all we can to make sure you have optimal access.

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