Course overview

Do you like watching the birds go about their day in your garden? Perhaps you would like to know more about them. Join WEA tutor Jane Williams who will be taking a charming look at the birds you can see in your garden in the Christmas break, and how you can encourage more to come and visit you. Special emphasis on the Christmas Robin! Voted Britain’s favourite bird year in, year out. So, if you need a break from the festivities or just to have a chat with like-minded individuals, join Jane on this special, one-off session. Everybody is welcome.

Course description

Join tutor Jane Williams in December, as she takes a look at the common garden birds you might see in the Christmas period, and how to encourage them to visit your garden more. Who doesn’t enjoy watching our native birds and some visiting ones, with their various colours, calls and songs, flitting about in our own back yards? Some of these will be winter visitors such as the Fieldfare, some will be present all year round, such as the “Christmas” Robin. Why is it associated with Christmas and winter, anyway?

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