Course overview

This course is for Carers, Former Carers and the Cared for. Join a group of like-minded people and discover the extraordinary world of tapping. It is a technique used by thousands of people worldwide that has documented evidence that has hypothesized decreased anxiety, cravings, pain, anxiety, and depression to name but a few. We will cover techniques and the Gamut point, the heart meditation, Open to everyone regardless of if you have any prior knowledge.

Course description

EFT works with the body’s internal energy systems. It uses gentle stimulation of the meridians used in treatments such as acupuncture, while simultaneously focusing on the current difficulty. This dual attention helps your brain process whatever might be troubling you and can help to reduce symptoms that the body shares with us, such as back pain, anxiety etc.

Western science has historically been skeptical of many of the holistic approaches; however, recent research has revealed the existence of the vascular system corresponding to many of the meridian points, studies have observed that EFT can make significant changes in brain function.

When we are stressed, the way our brain works changes. Activity in the pre-frontal cortex (linked to memory formation and retrieval, and cognitive processing) reduce, in others words a little like us going “off-line”. When this occurs, the body goes into fight or flight mode. As evidenced by fMRI scans, EFT calms the nervous system and can lead to a permanent change in how your body and mind respond to the natural stress response in the body

Join me on this informative course that week by week will take you through all you need to know to use these simple techniques as a natural form of pain relief, to balance your stress and how your body deals with challenging times.

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