Course overview

Part of the WEA Art and About Festival 2024! As part of the WEA London Festival Art and About : A heritage walk through the heart of Soho meeting at Criterion Théâtre near Piccadilly Circus on Thursday July 18th meet at 11am ending near Tottenham Court Road Tube station Come and explore the Soho area famously known for its culture , yet their other interesting features institutions that exist in the area such as Churches , Old Hospitals and much more. We will explore how the area developed and why these are still important buildings today

Course description

A pleasant 1.5-hours flat terrain walk through the heart of Soho and ending at Sutton Row with Selina Rice A Lambeth Tour Guide, we will explore this fascinating area and its rich diverse history. Who lived here in centuries gone by identified by the number of Blue Plaques. Why do the streets and squares have certain names? How many churches exist in a relatively small area, and their importance . Why are there the remnants of old hospitals that still exist today. What replaced the White Bear Inn? and much more.... Come and join us and explore.

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