Discover the fascinating world of psychology

We offer a number of different psychology courses throughout the year, delivered online or in person. Known as the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, psychology explores the insights into understanding human thought and behaviour. 

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From learning about famous psychologists, such as Freud and Jung, to understanding memory and identity, our psychology courses are easy to understand and run at your pace, so no matter how far along in your education you are, our courses are good preparation for formal studies in psychology.  

Our courses are packed full of theory and practice, so whether it is social psychology, clinical or forensic, you can be sure of an immersive experience that encourages you to question, test and learn from experts and their models. 

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All our psychology courses are delivered by tutors who are dedicated and knowledgeable about the subject. You’ll get all the support you need to help build your confidence and knowledge to solve problems that directly affect people's lives, whilst learning alongside like-minded people in a supportive and inclusive environment.  

Learning in a supportive environment 

You’ll also learn at your own pace, ensuring that you get the most out of your classes and feel excited to attend each session.